Marriage is probably the most vital decision and most important event of anybody’s life. That is why before taking such major life decision it is necessary to analyze the horoscopes of both bride and groom. Such horoscope analysis for marriage is called Horoscope matchmaking or according vedic astrology it is called Kundli matchmaking. Kundli Matching is one of the most utilized aspects of vedic Astrology that is being used by our ancestors for several thousands of years. Vedic Astrology has an excellent and proven method of kundli matchmaking based on nakshatras, which is called Ashtakoot milan or simply guna milap. This kundali matching method assigns points for factors that influence relationship and marriage. Each matching guna reflects more bonding and compatibility between bride and groom. The points of horoscope matching (Kundli Matching) are given from the total of 36; minimum scored points should be 18.
The main necessity behind having a kundli matchmaking service is not only confined to understand the compatibility and strength of the relation, but also kundli matching report is used to rectify all the probable hazards and negative issues which may interfere in future.
- Generation of detailed kundli matching report. So that all the aspects of bride’s and groom’s characteristics can be analyzed easily.
- List of all matching gunas of the couple which are giving strength to their relationship.
- List of all unmatched gunas of the couple which showing incompatibility between them.
- Any possible forecast of negative issues which may encounter in future.
- Suggestions for neutralizing the ill effects of their relationship so that their marriage stays strong and peacefull.